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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's all about God...

"For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen." (Romans 11:36 ESV)

The purpose for life is to glorify God.. That's it... Nothing more. The purpose for God creating the world wasn't so that God could make humanity the center of attention. The world was created so that God would be the center of attention. In our sinful minds and desires we have made our lives about worshipping ourselves and satisfying the desires of our own hearts, and this has permeated into our walks with God. We have come to think of God as a giant genie in the sky who answers our every beckoning as if He were supposed to be answering wishes. Wake up, Christian! This isn't a Disney movie. God is not a genie in the sky on stand-by ready to wait on you hand and foot. He is the holy God! He is righteous, just, all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-magnificent! It is because of Him you draw breath as you read this blog. We need to rethink our priorities and focuses away from ourselves and onto God.

I realize this is a bit harsh, but we need harsh words in a dead generation. We need to wake up from our ignorant and our purposeful stagnation. Christ didn't call us to sit around and live for ourselves in the shelter of our own comforts. He has called us unto good works for the glory of His name! He has called us to serve Him and His mission to spread the good news of His Gospel: God became flesh, lived a perfect life, died an innocent Man under the wrath of God for sin, rose again three days later, and has claimed victory over death so that anyone who comes to Him by faith alone for His righteousness alone in place of their wretched unrighteousness will be brought out of death and into eternal life, born again to a new life for the glory of God! The God of the universe has caused all of His grace and mercy to fall on everyone who believes and acts upon this Gospel. What great and wonderful Gospel of grace! What a great God! This is the base of our worship. This is where we begin to live a life of worship in our thoughts, speech, and actions.

Pray with me today that God would help us glorify His name in our thoughts, speech, and actions. All things are from Him, to Him, and through Him. Let us live this verse for the glory of His name and proclamation of His Gospel. May we begin to catch a glimpse of what it means to be a slave of worship.
