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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Live by Truth

Pilate asked the greatest question of all time, "What is truth?" The sad part is that the answer was staring right in front of him. We see Jesus talk about truth a lot in the Bible. Truth is very important to God, and it transcends man's emotions, thoughts, and reasoning. Isaiah 55:9 says,

"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." (ESV)

Our fallen, sinful emotions sway in the wind of our sin nature. Our thoughts seek to please ourselves or mankind rather than God. Our reasoning does what benefits others or ourselves above what benefits God. Every ounce of our being is sinful because it contradicts God's truth infinitely.

But what is truth? When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemene before He was arrested He was praying for us. He prayed, "Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth (John 17:17 ESV)." God's word is truth. So then my question is:

How do we live by truth?

After Jesus was baptized He went straight into the wilderness to fast and be tempted by Satan. His first test after fasting for 40 days without food was Satan's mockery of how Jesus was hungry and could turn stones into bread to eat. Jesus had an interesting reply quoting the Old Testament, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God'" (Matthew 4:4 ESV). Here Jesus was starving, yet He still lived by the Word of God first before the desires of His flesh.

It is necessary for us to be in God's Word as much as we can. Not because "that's what good Christians do", but because that's what Christians need. We can't live a strong, victorious Christian life without refreshing ourselves with God's Word.

Forgive this analogy.. since the Twilight book saga came out vampires have become a huge trend in movies and TV shows. Most of us know from these movies, shows, and books that vampires need blood to stay strong. Without it they weaken and in some shows wither. Well, the Christian's need for the Word of God is kind of like a vampire's need for blood. If we aren't reading the Bible and meditating on it, how can we expect to fight temptation and be strong in our faith? Our faith will wither and weaken without the strength of God's Word giving us power and strength.

But living by truth comes at a price since the people and systems of this world do not operate by God's truth. Jesus warns us in Matthew 10:34-39 that following Him and His truth may cost us because truth is so opposite and sometimes even condemned by those in the world:

"Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter- in- law against her mother- in- law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."

Jesus uses some of the closest relationships imaginable here. Family members, friends, business relationships, or any other relationships of the closest nature may be severed because of your following Christ. Paul says to live with men as peaceably as you can, but there may come a point where your path of following Christ causes separation from loved ones, and Christ gives the ultimatum: "whoever loves anyone more than Me is not worthy of Me." We must find our primary satisfaction in God and His truth above everyone and everything.

This weighs heavy on my heart. This is not an issue to be taken lightly. There is a cost to following Christ and His truth. Am I willing to make a stand for God that can result in me being made an outsider? Am I willing to be the "Jesus freak" in my classes at school because I don't follow the philosophies being taught? Am I willing to lose the respect of my professors and peers because God's truth doesn't match up with their reasoning? Am I willing to let others sever a relationship with me over my following Christ and the truth of the Bible? Am I willing to let loved ones hate me because of my love for God is greater than my love for them? For the glory of my God I say, yes!

May our hearts long and pray for the salvation of those who do not love God, may we long for them to enjoy the truth of God's Word, and may we long to see them satisfied in God for who He is.

Worship our God is spirit and truth today. Let Him humble you in the strength of His truth. Let Him quiet you with His love.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Pick and Choose

The beauty of the Gospel isn't that it makes a person pretend to be who they aren't. It's beauty is that God takes you as you are and changes you into a completely different person.

This begs the question to you, Christian, why do you pick and choose who you accept and despise? Is there any sinner that deserves to be shown the love of Christ over another? Let that question settle in for a minute..

Truth be told, you didn't (and don't) deserve to be given the love, grace and mercy of God any more than the lost sinner next you does. Brother and sisters, don't pick and choose who to love. Don't you understand the great love that has been given to you? Don't you want the enemies of God to be reconciled to Him as friends just as you are? How could you not?

Christians for centuries have looked a sinners in disgust. They have detested those who practice sin openly and in secret. They have categorized sinners as unworthy and untouchable, all the while forgetting that they used to be just like them. Yes, sinners are unworthy and detestable in the eyes of God, but that's what the cross is for! The blood of Christ makes sinners worthy and clean in the eyes of God! How dare you start judging and condemning sinners! Your job is to show them the love of Christ in word and deed.

What did Jesus do? He ate and drank with the sinners while calling them to repentance. We for too long have played the part of the Pharisee looking askance at sinners while parading our pride and arrogance of being better than the poor, wretched, lowly sinner. Your arrogance is disgusting to God.

The healthy are in no need of a physician, but the sick are. If man was righteous in himself, he wouldn't need God, but we all know that no man is perfect. Every single person living on the earth is in need of the righteousness of God through faith in the Gospel. Until you understand the grace that has been given to you and the love that has been shown to you, you will never love the lost. You will continue in your pride and arrogant attitude of "I'm better then them because I'm a Christian." Are you really a Christian? Do you understand the great Gospel our God? He came to seek and save the lost..

Don't pick and choose those who you think need to hear the Gospel. Give it freely.

Don't pick and choose who to show the love of Christ to.. Show it freely.

Don't be a hypocrite and hide the love of God from everyone. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. Don't be ashamed of it. Don't be a hypocrite and believe the Gospel but hold your nose high above everyone else. That's not the love of God. Speak the truth about sin and judgment to come.. Speak of the grace and mercy and love through faith in Jesus' death and resurrection.. Save the judgment and condemnation of sinners for God..

Worship Him today,

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How Deep Is His Love?...

I used to be very legalistic. It was to the point that I had no understanding of God's love for me. It was like I needed to make sure I was on God's good side before I could even feel loved by Him. I realize now that during those years I was robbed of knowing God's love because I was trying to please Him to help Him love me (like that's even possible!). This video broke me and made me realize just how much more God loves me in spite of my sin, and this is possible only, only, only, only because of God's work in my life.. through faith in Christ's redemptive work on the cross and the receipt of the blood-payment through His resurrection from the dead. I pray you are blessed and broken by this video.

Our God is great.. He is worthy of all praise, glory, and worship.. May He be glorified in us as we are most satisfied in Him and His grace. He loves us.. He loves you..