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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Is Jesus Worth It?

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us." (Romans 8:18 ESV)

"What's in it for me?" and "Is it worth being a Christian?" are two questions that run through the minds of those to whom we present the Gospel to. Our answer is "Of course it is!", but that answer only masks and and deceives the person to whom we answer unless we explain what the Bible says. The Christian life is not easy. Look at the disciples life after the Great Commission (which is the command to go out and preach the Gospel to every part of the world, making people disciples of Jesus, and teaching them all the things that Jesus commanded). They were mocked, beaten, tortured, and martyred. Guess what.. Jesus said that we are guarantees these things if we become followers of Him. In America we may think we're safe from these things, but we're not. The Columbine High School massacre resulted in students murdered because they wouldn't denounce the God of the Bible. We may not experience this all the time here in America, but we are mocked and scoffed at daily. It is only a matter of time before Christianity is repressed in America. So what do we say to people when that occurs in the "land of the free"? Being a Christian is more "worth it" in the terms of today's way of life as Americans than it will be when it's illegal to side with Christ.

Hundreds of Christians die every day throughout the world because they won't deny Jesus as Lord. When a Muslim in the Middle East or an Hindu in India become a Christian, they basically sign their death warrant because their families and culture view that as committing treason to their gods. They can be thrown in jail, dismembered, burned with fire or acid, tortured, shot, hacked with machetes, decapitated, etc., but Jesus is still worth it to them. They understand the verse at the top of this entry. They understand that the Gospel rings through eternity beyond anything that happens here on earth.

So what's in it for me and you in this life on earth? That's a simple answer: persecution (mocking, scoffing, beatings, torture, and sometimes death). Is it worth being a Christian? That's up to you what you're willing to go through for being a Christian. If you're willing to be assaulted with words and fists or be killed for what you believe, then yes. If you aren't willing to go be persecuted but want to have a comfortable life, it won't be worth it to you, but let me try to convince you otherwise.

If you have been following my blog, you will understand that this life is about giving all glory to God because it's all about Him. You also know that even though it's all about God, He became a man and died for sin on a cross so that if you have faith alone in Christ alone for His righteousness alone apart from any good works of your own (all for the glory of God), you will be forgiven and made righteous before God. So is Christ worth it? Are the trials and persecutions of this life worth it? You can bet your life on it (and you will)! Because in the end we will be with our God and King for eternity. Every hardship in this life is worth enduring because we will one day be in God's glorious presence with Him for eternity. Jesus said if you want to be His disciple, you must pick up your cross daily and follow Him. That means you must die to your fleshly desires every day and seek to serve Him. When you realize that serving Him is a great privilege (whether in hard times or good times) and you enjoy Him for who He is and what He's done, you will live a life of worship. You will begin to realize what it is to be a slave of worship because you can't help but do everything for the glory of God with a heart that desires to glorify God and enjoy Him.
