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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Clarification About Worship

English is an interesting language being that it can be very vague and words can carry more than one meaning. For this reason I'd like to help clear up any misunderstandings as to what "slave of worship" means. "Worship" in the phrase "slave of worship" is used as a verb, not a noun. We are not slaves to worship in the sense that worship is our master. We are slaves to worship in that we can't help but worship to the appearance that we answer to the beck and call of worship. I will try to explain this the beat I can. A slave/servant does everything his master tells him to do. In the same way we should do everything the Jesus commands us to do. This is just being an obedient slave. But when enjoyment in and adoration of the master is present in the heart of the slave, service to the master is no longer a burden. When we enjoy Christ and adore Him above all things, it is no longer a burden for us to obey Him. Our obedience becomes worship. So when I say we are to be slaves of worship, our lives should be so full of love for God, enjoyment in Him, and adoration of Him that everything we think, speak, or act comes from a heart of worship. So we aren't directly slaves of worship (that is, worship being our master) but slaves of God who can't help but worship Him. I hope this helps clear up some miscommunications.
