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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Stealing Potential Glory from God

Today I'm going to stray a little bit from the norm and write a little more controversial post on a subject that has been in the political and religious spheres for almost 40 years here in America. This subject has been the cause of much turmoil amongst many, whether that be within churches, religious groups, political parties, relationships, and even marriages. This subject is abortion

I could go into all the medical and philosophical reasonings against abortion, but I want to take an alternate route (thanks to John Piper). That route being the glory of God. Every person on the planet lives on this planet either giving glory to God or stealing it from Him. We are either clinging to His salvation and living by faith, or we are living rebelliously in sin worshipping ourselves. Abortion takes away both of these lifestyles from the little person in the womb. To murder a baby in the womb is a sin, but it isn't the greater sin. The greater sin is killing off a human being that could potentially give glory to God here on earth.

Many times doctors tell expecting mothers that their babies may or do have signs of physical or mental diseases and advise that the pregnancy be terminated. Let me ask the question, who are we to decide whether or not a person can or can't give glory to God with such conditions? Who are we to decide that God can't use a person with disabilities to glorify His name and further His Gospel? Who are we to decide whose quality of life isn't worth living because they won't be "normal"? Your baby is a special gift from God to be cherished and nurtured for His glory.

Many soon-to-be mothers become pregnant unintentionally and don't have the means to take care of a baby, and definitely don't want their child to go into the care of the State. Don't kill a child for this reason. There are many Christian people who would love to adopt a baby to care for as their own. There are many Christian couples who can't have children and would jump at the chance to love and care for a child, even if it's not biologically theirs. Don't think you don't have a choice. Pro-choice means you choose what's best for your baby over yourself.

Many soon-to-be mothers who accidentally become pregnant don't want a baby. She would rather deal without a child, or she is ashamed and doesn't want the world to know she got pregnant. Abortion is viewed as their savior in these situations. What a perfect way out of a stressful life, right? Wrong. Killing a child because he or she might make your life stressful (as a parent or because you're afraid that people will judge you) is still stealing that potential glory from God. You're destroying a possible instrument that God can use for His glory. Be pro-life and give your child the best life possible, even of that means giving your child up for adoption to a good Christian family who will raise your child with love and cherish him or her.

If you have aborted a child, you may be filled with guilt, shame, and depression. The Bible calls taking the life of an innocent person murder. Even beyond that you stole from God the chance for your baby to glorify Him. The Bible says "Do not be deceived!...Murderers will not inherit the kingdom of God..." (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). God views life so precious that He wrote into His law that murder is wrong (6th Commandment). Jesus explained this law of God even further in the Gospel of Matthew saying, "If you call anyone 'Raca!' (idiot or moron), you are in danger of hell." The Bible says later in 1 John that if you hate someone, you are a murderer. How many times have you said something spiteful or hated someone? That is murder in God's eyes also. Sin goes beyond just murder and hate. Have you ever lied, stolen, looked with lust had sex outside of marriage, or had an extramarital affair? These are all sins against God too. God is a just Judge who will judge you according to your sins, and being just doesn't mean weighing your sins against the good things you've done. It means punishing you for the bad things you've done. How many times have you sinned against God? If you are honest, you've sinned more times than you could count.

We (I include myself) are sinful beings. We deserve to be punished in hell for eternity for infinitely breaking God's laws daily. But God is rich, unimaginably rich, in love and full of mercy. He is so full of mercy that He became a man in the person of Jesus, lived a life perfect without sin, and died on a cross to take the punishment of your sin and my sin upon Himself in our place, and three days later He rose from the dead proving that the price of sin was paid for and that death had been beaten.

If you will turn away from yourself to God, trust in Jesus' payment for sin upon the cross in your place, believe that He rose from the dead, and believe that there is nothing you can do apart from Jesus' work to be forgiven, your sin will be washed away forever! It's like this: salvation is through faith alone in Christ alone for His righteousness alone apart from any deeds of your own for the glory of God alone.

Do you understand what that means? It means that if you place your trust in Christ to pay for your sins, He took the punishment in your place for you killing your baby or even babies. He took the punishment for every lie you've told. He took the punishment for everything you've stolen, every time you hated someone, lusted sexually after someone, fornicated, and cheated on your spouse. He took the punishment for every single sin you have ever committed or will commit.

Beloved sister, until you trust in Christ you are an enemy of God and your sins are great. But God who is rich in love died for us while we were still sinners. Jesus who was perfect became our imperfection for us on the cross so that we might become the perfection of God in God's eyes through Him.

If you have trusted Christ today for His righteousness in place of your unrighteousness, rejoice! Your sins are forgiven! Your slate is clean! Now go live your life for God in the shadow of His grace and mercy, reading and following the Bible, giving Him all the praise and glory until your last breath.

Please take the time to watch 180 Movie. It's only 33 minutes long and it will change your view of abortion forever.

Worship Him today.


P.S. Please, if you would, read through my blogs. I pray they are an encouragement to you and help your walk with the Lord.